Serving God Since 1993

TCFDT Exists to show the Love of God to the People of Tanzania

Our Aims

  • To manage a farm compound

  • To manage a Childrens Home

  • To teach by example

  • To evangelise and teach the wider community in the Christian faith

TCFDT(NI)’s goal is to see God glorified among the people of Tanzania. We are committed to see this accomplished through the work of TCFDT(NI). People are still living without Christ, without God’s Word, without hope and we are compelled by Christ’s love and through the different projects that God’s love can be demonstrated in a practical way, so that those who live in a world without Christ may have Christ within.

Reaching the people of Tanzania requires the whole of Christ’s Church to be involved in this unfinished task. The Church in the UK has a rich history of men and women of God who have gone out from these shores in obedience to Christ’s Great Commission and who have brought eternal blessing to millions, but there is still so much to do.

John Tuff, Chairman

John & Pauline Tuff

John & Pauline run the Kazima Children’s home. John is the chairman of TCFDT (NI). In October 2013, they answered the call of God to run Kazima Children’s Home.

Known as Babu and Bibi to the children (Granda and Granny), John & Pauline live onsite at the home. Pauline has a background in nursing and ensures the children are brought up in a loving environment. Kazima is not just a building for the children; it’s a home. John runs the administrative side of the home alongside meeting the practical needs. He oversees building projects and manages the staff onsite.

Please pray for John & Pauline as they seek to serve the Lord. Ask the God would bless and protect them as they seek to impact the lives of the children.

The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

Matthew 9 vs 37-38

a Home

Kazima Children’s Home provides a home for 40 children.

God’s Word

We bring up the children to know God’s love. We ensure both physical and spiritual needs are met.


We provide an education for the children in our care, helping prepare them for a positive future.


We own a farm, helping support other missionaries and teaching ‘Farming God’s Way’ to the local people.

Change a life today

Help support our work by upholding us in prayer, volunteering, or supporting the financial needs of the mission.