The children at Kazima attend Ndevelwa church, opposite the farm. The church has grown over recent years, and some weeks has over one hundred members in attendance. The church is pastored by Gerry Wyatt, a missionary from America.

The church has historic links to Northern Ireland. The benches in the church come from Derryhubbert Mission Hall. The church is separate from TCFDT, but funding to complete the building was supplied through TCFDT. The church now has a small kitchen and a toilet block outside. After the morning service, the church meets to have rice and beans. This is a great time of fellowship and provides children from the village with at least one nutritious meal a week. The church then meets again in the afternoon for a second service.

God has really blessed the church and seen souls saved. The church is very welcoming to guests and has seen numerous visitors come to know Christ as Saviour. A Sunday school teaches the younger children. Special outreach services and events are held to evangelise, such as a couples ministry, a ladies meeting and children’s services. Numerous children from the home have been led to the Lord at the church and baptised.