Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication. Psalm 55:1 We arrived back in Tanzania safely but very tired. We are glad to be back and what a welcome we received from the Children and staff. All our cases arrived intact including a beautiful home baked fruit loaf that one of our supporters gave us. It was thoroughly enjoyed! Thank you again.
It was straight back into the work and soon it was like we had never been away. The next morning we were wakened by the night watchman to say that his bicycle had been stolen during the night. On investigating it was discovered that the boundary fence was opened in 2 places on the outer fence and the inner fence. The other watchman noticed a goat outside the main gate at 3.30am and wondered why it was there, so let it in. We realised later that the thief had not only stolen the bicycle but also one of our goats, which escaped and made his way home. Kalala (John’s right hand man) is doing well after his accident. We originally understood that he cut his hand on the circular saw. However, he had been working with the electric planer and had finished what he was doing. While reaching to turn it off he tripped, put his hand out to stop himself falling but his hand landed on the turning blades. He still has a lot of scar tissue which will eventually heal up well but he has lost some movement in the small finger. Despite Kalala’s injury, the progress on the replacement building is coming on well. The internal plastering has all been completed. Work has commenced on the drainage system outside. The electrical wiring is now also ready to be started before the ceiling boards are put up. We lost all but 4 of 40 pawpaw trees that we planted in the later part of last year, possibly due to too much rain. Then the goats escaped and finished off the 4 that remained. Craig and Helen brought us some more pawpaw trees and avocado trees, so we have them planted out, along with some mulberry bushes that we had set in grow bags before we left on furlough.
In the Photo above, we have frangipani trees to the front, mulberry bushes in the centre and Pawpaw trees to the left. There are also some local trees and a mango tree. Our group Photo this month is of our eldest children, Masanja is in P7, Esta in P3, Sami and Saidi are in P4. Here we have 3 different schools represented. When we look back at photos when they first arrived, we are so thankful for how strong and healthy they are and how well they have grown. What a great God we have.
Last weekend our driver, Hugo, was hit with something while on his motorcycle that caused him to fall off. Three guys robbed him of his money and he had to have 5 stitches to his eyebrow where his helmet pushed his glasses against his face. We also had to dismiss one of the mama’s due to her alcohol addiction. Continue to pray for the safety our staff and children. We praise the lord for the safe arrival of Trevor, Karen, Rachel and James yesterday (Friday). It’s a great encouragement and real blessing to have them here. Pray that they will have good health during their visit Continuing to thank you for your ongoing prayers and support for the Lord’s work in Tabora. Love in Christ, John & Pauline