He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. Proverbs 19 v 17 We were reminded that the children are growing fast. Coming home from church the children were talking and asking could they get another slice of bread for their tea. ‘Three isn’t enough’ they were saying. I am sure we can manage more bread! My thought went to Matthew 4 verse 4, “But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” While we minister to the physical needs of the children, we also minister to their spiritual needs, the living bread, the word of God. Continue to pray for the morning devotions and the Sunday afternoon service here at the Children’s Home.
The ongoing work on the replacement building is progressing somewhat slower than expected this month. The barge boards were put on, primed and painted. Yesterday we commenced putting the roofing sheets on. We spent longer than expected with the first sheet, getting it set correctly. Then the rain came on, so we were also dodging the showers. Hopefully this coming week will see the roof completed. Pray for safety as we work at heights.
At the farm in Ndevelwa we have been helping Craig to make and put in some new posts. This will provide a decent goat enclosure for the 40 goats that we now have there. The fields of sunflowers and peanuts seem to be doing well. We praise the Lord for Craig and Helen and for these projects that will eventually benefit the children here. We are planning a trip back to Northern Ireland DV at the end of March for approximately 6 weeks. We are looking forward to this time with family and renewing fellowship with many of you. If you would like to have us come to speak and update you in your fellowship, please contact Sam Alexander to arrange a booking (+44 7586 876000). Please pray that all the travel arrangements will go smoothly.

         Mariam, Paulina, Edward, Timothy, Grace & Bryton

These children are in KG1 (kindergarten 1) here at home, with teacher Agnes. Group photos are so difficult to take with everyone behaving properly and paying attention! This brings to mind that they all have their own little personalities, but Jesus died for them all. Continue to pray that we will see these little ones putting their trust in the Lord. We thank you for your faithful prayers and support of the work here as we continue to serve the Lord together. Love in Christ, John & Pauline