And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Acts 8:37 As we commence a New Year, we are praising the Lord for all that He has done in the past year. For protection, strength from day to day, provision, health, and blessings uncountable. We are looking in anticipation for what He has in store for us in 2022.
We are starting this year with rejoicing hearts for the salvation of 2 of the children here at the home in Kazima. One evening Pauline was cutting the hair of some of the children in preparation for the return to school. Hamisi was asking questions and talking about heaven and hell. Sami (one of the older girls) later came to Pauline and said that she wanted to get saved. Pauline had the joy of leading her to Christ. Then on Sunday morning at the joint service in the Mpera church, Hamisi was tearful and wanted to accept Jesus into his heart. Pauline again had the joy of leading Hamisi to the Lord. They were very clear in their salvation and both were baptised that day. Praise the Lord. Hamisi said to John “Babu when Jesus comes back I am going to heaven to live with Him, are you going to heaven?” He was just making sure.
The work on the replacement building is continuing well. We made a jig to make the steel trusses in, which worked very well. Work on the trusses stopped for a short while as our supplier hadn’t enough steel and wasn’t restocking any time soon. We needed a further 90 pieces and found some with another supplier. When we had them half loaded the price suddenly increased. We ended up paying the extra but continued loading the steel. They had exactly 90 pieces – just what we needed. We have the trusses all welded up and are now cutting and drilling brackets that need to be welded on. Then it’s cleaning and painting before they are put up in place. The rains have been very poor this season until now. Craig and Helen have a field of peanuts and a field of sunflowers growing. The monkeys continue to be an issue especially in the crop of maize. Pray as they also work on establishing a tree nursery. Please pray for the preparations for the new school year which commences on the 10th January. This year we have three more enrolled in school. Pray that we will continue to see God moving among the children and seeing others put their trust in Him. We wish you a blessed New Year and thank you for your continued Prayers and support for the Lord’s work here in Tanzania. Yours in Christ, John & Pauline