The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9: 37-38 It has been an eventful month. From the beginning of October Tanzania was lifted from the red zone on the UK government travel website. We decided that it would be a good opportunity for Pauline to travel back to Northern Ireland to see her dad. Travelling is no longer an easy task with a lot of extra logistics to consider. We both travelled to Dar es Salaam on Thursday the 14th of October to enable Pauline to get a PCR test before travelling on Monday. There is always uncertainty even if the results of the PCR test are going to be issued at the right time. Pauline missed her flight on Monday evening as there were complications in receiving the necessary code for the passenger locator form before flying. It was so disappointing while we waited to receive a code and then witnessed check-in close in front of us. We were able to get Pauline booked on the next available flight and received the necessary code in time for this deadline. John flew back to Tabora the same day. Pauline’s dad continues to weaken and is looking forward to going to be with the Lord. Please pray that he would have continued peace. Pauline plans to return on the 16th November.
John was in communication with one of the workers whom he trained in Dodoma many years ago, when we worked in Hombolo. As there were no teams coming this year John asked Sospeter if he would come and help with the building work. A team of five came and along with us the block work has now been completed. The next stage will be the reinforced ring beam. We continue to praise the Lord for safety, especially as we work at heights.
We had a visit from the local government authority who presented all the children with watches. They are all thrilled to bits. A few of the children have had malaria but are doing well. Since coming to Kazima we have never seen as many mosquitos. It must be down to the good wet seasons over the past few years. The rains have now started this year and we praise the Lord for the opportunities that this brings. Pray that the crops will be plentiful. Please continue to pray for the other aspects of the work of TCFDT, that the Lord will be glorified. Thank you for your continued prayers & support Yours in Christ, John & Pauline