Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. Matthew 6:8 It’s hard to believe that we are already in the month of October. The temperatures are rising which is a reminder that the rainy season will be starting in the next month or two. High temperatures during the middle of the day causes our energy to be zapped and we even find it difficult to sleep at night. We have had three different incidents of theft on our perimeter fence, which has caused a lot of extra work. On one occasion we thought we had stopped the theft as we came across a section of the fence that had been cut during the day. It was then re-secured but later that evening they came and cut it again and took it. We reported the incidents to the local authorities and on the last event one of the thieves was apprehended while transporting the section of wire on a motorcycle the following day. So the case is still ongoing.
The replacement building is coming on well. As you can see in the photograph, we now have the footings and the slab complete, including the important dampproof membrane. It has been amazing to see how God is continuing to provide the finances to keep the building work going. A previous team member heard what we were doing and decided to put together a fund-raising event, walking 32 km representing the 32 children that we have here in the Children’s Home. We have been totally overwhelmed by the response which is enabling us to continue at full speed with this building. We want to thank all who were involved in organising the event, all who took part and those who donated in different ways. We trust that you will all be blessed as we are blessed. We now have all the blocks on site ready for the block work to begin.
It seems to be the time of year when we have malaria doing its rounds. We have had several of the children off school because of malaria. Usually just one day. Hamisi was one of the children who was off with malaria. He was over with Bibi (Pauline) helping her to bake and of course trying out the produce. By the photo you wouldn’t think that there was anything wrong with him! Many Thanks for your continued prayers and ongoing support for the Lord’s work in this part of his vineyard Yours in Christ, John & Pauline