When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; Psalms 8:3 As we write this update, we are enjoying a few days well-needed break in Mwanza beside Lake Victoria. Just relaxing and doing very little.
The pouring of the concrete for the new replacement building went very well. The electricity stayed on which enabled the mixer to run almost all day mixing around 265 mixes which is about 21 cubic meters. We hired a squad of men for the job and there wasn’t any need to be rocked to sleep that night! The footings have also been built and we hope that next week we can finish the backfill and pour the slab. This will have a dampproof liner under it.
We praise the Lord that the water connection was finally made at the Farm Property. We now have five different water points that are metered. There is currently no water as the main line has an issue, but this should be sorted soon by the water board. We know that this is a huge blessing, so praise the Lord with us. Continue to uphold Craig and Helen who had been very unwell for about three weeks. They are now on the mend and pray that they will regain strength day by day. Remember to pray for Bonifas as he continues to look after the church at Ndevelwa in Jerry and Rachel’s absence. Praise the Lord for the passion he has for the people. Pray as he prepares for each service that the Christians will be strengthened, and others will be saved. The children will be off school for two weeks from Friday 3rd September. Please pray for added strength as we occupy the children at home. Some will be able to help in the kitchen, laundry and outside as well as doing arts and crafts. Some schoolwork will continue for those who struggle in certain areas of learning. Please pray for Pauline’s father, Robert, who has been unwell for some time. Thank you for your faithfulness in praying and support. John and Pauline