But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 19 In the June issue of our updates, we mentioned the very poor structural condition of the oldest building here at Kazima and that we had some leading towards what needed to be done. After much deliberating and praying about this, we decided that the best and easiest solution would be to build a replacement home. PRAISE THE LORD with us, as last month we received a gift to enable the foundations to be laid for this new replacement building. Work started straight away marking out and digging the foundations and we hope to get the concrete poured during this next week. Please pray for this task, as it is all done using a small mixer. There is no Ready Mix here!
Over the past months our communications system has been very poor, to the point that at times we have had to go into town to get a decent signal to allow us to complete online tasks, such as the staff wages. Thanks to David (trustee) who was able to find a modern 4G router/arial. It was shipped out and after some delays at customs it finally arrived last week. John has been busy getting it set up. It sits on top of a 12-meter pole supported by our water tower. We have had some setting up issues. Please pray that this will be sorted soon and that our internet will be stable enough to meet the needs here.
The long-awaited water connection at the Farm has made a step in the right direction. The engineer from the water authorities paid a visit to see which buildings need a connection. The connection fees have now been paid and are awaiting commencement of the work. PRAISE THE LORD. Some of the children have had malaria and are recovering well. It is the time of year for colds and malaria, and usually the children all take their turns! Please pray for Craig and Helen at the farm who have been unwell. Pray for a speedy recovery to full health and strength. Pray as we plan to take a little break at the end of the month, that it will be a time of refreshing. We are ever thankful for your faithful prayers and continued support in the Lords Work. Love in Christ, John & Pauline