The LORD hath done great things for us whereof we are glad. Psalms 126:3 As we look over the past month, we can truly say the words of David from Psalm 126 verse 3, the Lord has done great things for us whereof we are glad. It’s been another very busy month here at the Children’s Home. We have had to restart the application process for the renewal of the licence of the children’s home, as the previous submission was lost. This has involved a lot more requirements from the different authorities. We had an inspection of the premises, which has given us some challenges. Most of them are easy to fix with minimum costs. We knew that the oldest building on site would require some redecorating, and this was one of the things that was pointed out. When John was making his own assessment of the building, he realised how poor the condition of the building really was. Although this building was redecorated last year, the last wet season had really taken its toll on the structure. Dampness has climbed up the walls, in some places nearly 2 feet. The block work, which is a hollow pressed brick, is crumbling on the outside. The foundation in the bathroom end has sunk a little and is causing cracks to appear. The tin sheeting is rotting in places and causing leaking, affecting the celling boards. There are currently 17 children in that building which includes the nursery.  We are considering options around this situation so please pray that we will be guided on the way forward.
Although the rains played havoc in areas, they have been a blessing in others. Our bananas are doing well and this is the first bunch of the season, with many more to follow.
We thank you for your prayers for little Irene. She was able to get the plaster cast off and is doing really well. She is moving her leg well and putting on weight as she was malnourished. We have had a fantastic week with Chris and Lori Byrd who have been a real blessing to all here. The children enjoyed spending time with them playing and doing some ‘learning through play’. We know that they were blessed as they gave of their time to be with us here. Praise the Lord that Pauline’s residence permit has been issued. Continue to pray that John’s will also be issued soon. Please pray also for the Children as they have started their school holidays. The 10 that go to Themi Hill school will be off for a total of 5 weeks and the other 3 will be off for 4 weeks. Pray for us and the staff as we keep them occupied. Please pray for our staff. We have had many issues this past month with some of them, particularly the new staff. Some have proved not to be suitable for their roles. Many thanks for upholding the work of the Lord here in your prayers and financially. Love in Christ, John & Pauline