Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 Welcome to the May issue of our monthly update. We trust that as you read, you will be encouraged and have more understanding of how to best pray for the ongoing work here in Tanzania. We praise the Lord that our Work Permits were granted for another two years. We hear of so many being given a one-year final grant. Dick our Tanzanian Trustee was traveling to Dodoma and was able to pick up the Work Permits for us. The process of applying for our Residence Permits commenced straight away. We praise the Lord that Pauline’s has been granted already. Continue to pray that John’s will be granted soon. There is further documentation required for John’s. It’s been a challenging time regarding some of the new staff that we recently employed. Some just worked a few shifts and never returned without any notification, resulting in us having to interview others. We have started two new night watch men which we have been wanting to do for quite some time now. We have also employed a lady (Esther) in the office to help free John and Margaret from the administration work. We had the task last month once again of lifting the pump out of the borehole, as it was taking much longer to pump the daily water supply that was needed. We discovered that the pipe had split yet again. This is now the fourth time since the pump was installed. We have put in place a new pipe as the old one already had three connections. We have also bought another ‘non-return’ valve to install on the pipe to help lessen the water hammer that could be the cause of the pipe splitting.
We had a busy time with the children when they were off for the Easter break. We took them to town in two groups for a treat of chicken and chips and then finished up at the ice cream shop. They had a fantastic time and really enjoyed taking in all the sights of the town. We are looking forward to Chris & Lori Byrd from the US coming at the end of this month to help out for a week. Pray as they make final preparations and for safety in their travels. We also enjoyed a well needed break in Mwanza. We arrived back in Kazima on Saturday evening with lots of cheering from the children. Happy to see Babu and Bibi back! Thank you for partnering with us in the Lord’s work. Yours in Christ, John & Pauline