And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18:15-16 There are many times when we say that there are not enough hours in the day to achieve what we need to accomplish. However, it is exciting to see God working in different areas and continuing to answer our prayers. We praise the Lord for our new day guard who is replacing Mzee Mick. When you arrive at the Children’s home you will be greeted and welcomed by Daniel. His main duties are to ‘man’ the entrance gate, look after the guard dog and the other few animals that we have here at Kazima. Daniel will also do some grounds-work around the home, keeping the area tidy. Since our last update, we have had a very emotional time. Two of our babies were taken into foster care in the anticipation of finally being adopted. This whole process seemed to happen very quickly and somewhat unexpectedly. Pray for these little ones as they settle into their new home that they will be safe, well cared for and loved.
Meet little Irene, who arrived malnourished and age unknown. We estimate her to be 3 months old. On Thursday when she arrived at the Home and was first examined, it was discovered that her leg was broken. We took her to St. Anna hospital (private) which we normally use as it is the closest one. They advised us to take her to the main Government hospital Kitete due to the Easter holiday, where she was admitted. We were asked to buy all the medication etc. She got an X-ray on Friday but no further treatment was given. They said it would happen on Saturday.  Saturday arrived and they said because of Holidays it wouldn’t happen until Tuesday. We then asked for her to be discharged as we couldn’t let her suffer all that time. We took her to Malolo, a new private hospital in Tabora and within four hours all was sorted. They kept her overnight for observation. At Malolo they discovered that her collarbone was also broken. She is now doing well. Pray that she will heal quickly. Situations like this are very demanding. We are still waiting for our work permits. John has been in liaison with the immigration department as our grace period has expired. We are now required to apply for a Special Pass for us to remain in the country legally. We are asking if Pauline could be put on John’s Pass as a dependant. Continue to pray for the ever-growing paperwork in the running of the Children’s Home. Most of John’s time this last month has been in the office.  Continue to pray for Margaret as she learns more of the administration work. We praise the Lord for her and all that she does. Pray that during these two weeks of holiday she will be refreshed and re-energised. We haven’t been able to get the standby generator connected yet but have made a start in measuring up the lengths and different sizes of wires needed to get the job done. Continue to pray for the work at the farm. Pray for Craig and Helen as they have commenced a Swahili language refresher course. Pray also for Jerry, Rachel & Timothy as they go on furlough, and for those who have been left in charge of the Sunday services at Ndevelwa in their absence. For your continued prayers and financial support, we are truly thankful. Yours in Christ, John & Pauline