Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Mark 9:23

Have you ever heard of the saying ‘if it rains it pours’? This saying originates from an advertisement that was developed in the early 1900s to sell salt, saying that the salt still pours even through the damp weather. Nowadays that saying is mostly associated with things that go wrong and are multiplied. Last month saw an abundance of work to catch up on following our return from furlough. At times it was hard to know which way to turn for the many things that needed attention. We praise the Lord for enabling us strength to deal with the ongoing day-to-day life here at the Children’s Home.
Lately, we’ve been having power cuts lasting up to 8 hours at a time with no warning. This also results in having no water as we depend on the power for pumping water from our borehole. It is becoming more important to have a standby generator that is easily started and has enough power to run the equipment in the children’s home. We have a generator that is suitable for this purpose. Several years ago, during a team visit, Sam Alexander worked on the generator and we have it installed in a little room which we call the ‘generator room’. However, it still needs to be connected. Please pray that John will get time to be able to make this operational. We were talking about rain, if it rains it pours. We are in the midst of our wet season and the ground is saturated. Last week the tractor and the Land Rover both got stuck. A few days ago it poured so much that in just over one hour we had over 60 mm (almost 2 and a half inches) of rain. It was as if the rain did not get time to fall. Please also pray for the office work related with the Children’s Home and the running of the work here in Tabora. John has been training Margaret to do and take on more responsibilities in the office. This is very time-consuming for John and he doesn’t get the same time to do other essential work around the home.
We are in the process of interviewing some potential staff and we have just been notified that one of the night watchmen is leaving at the end of the month. Please pray that we will find a suitable replacement for him. We have no further news on our work permits. Please continue to pray for a speedy issue of these to enable us to proceed with our resident permits. We do not know what lies ahead in 2021 but what we do know is the One who is in control. We were thrilled to hear of a couple from America who will be joining us for a week in May to help us here at the Children’s Home willing to do anything that needs done. Chris and Lori both were here in Tabora several years ago as short-term missionaries. They have a real heart and love for the work here amongst the children. Please pray as they plan and prepare to come and that they will know the Lord is leading, guiding and meeting their needs. We were very pleased to welcome back Craig and Helen Waldock to the farm property last month. Please pray as they continue to settle and as they plan to work on a tree nursery in the method of Farming Gods way. Lastly, we ask you to pray regarding our communication system here at the Children’s Home. We still haven’t pinpointed the problem, but it seems to be a little bit more stable which helps. The children are all well at present and the school children are working hard in their studies. They are looking forward to their break at Easter. We do appreciate all your Prayers and support. Love in Christ, John & Pauline