Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Our time back in Northern Ireland seemed to go very quickly even though we had several times of self-isolation. It was very strange not being able to visit friends and family, and not being able to attend church services the way we used too. We praise the Lord for the deputation meetings that did take place and the supporters and prayer partners who we did get to meet on those occasions, and to be able to update them in person. We praise the Lord for the support for the work In Tanzania that came through during our time in Northern Ireland.
On January the 6th, the wedding of our daughter Sharon took place, to Joshua Armstrong. It was under very strict conditions due to Covid-19 with only 25 in total allowed to attend the service and no reception was permitted afterward. We had a beautiful, sunny day, although a little cold. We were able to make the most of what we could do. We got back to Tanzania safely after a very long flight and long waiting times between flights. We got our PCR (Covid) test 72 hours before flying and the newly required Covid-19 rapid Antigen test 4 hours prior to flying to enable us to get our boarding passes. The children were as excited to see us back as we were to see them. Margaret and the team did a fantastic job in our absence, a real answer to prayer.
Please meet Jacqueline who came into the home since our return at only 12 hours old and 4.8lb. She was found abandoned but is now safe and doing well. Since getting back we have spent much time in preparing the required documentation to apply for our work Permits. John and Dick drove to Dodoma with all the paperwork to personally hand them in. They were told they could not be submitted as some of the certificates were not verified by the correct board although they were all certified by a lawyer. They then met with the Deputy Commissioner for Labour and she gave authority for them to be submitted while the required certification was sought. At the moment our internet is very poor which makes communication somewhat difficult. Please pray that we can find the fault and sort it out very soon. Thanking you again for your prayers and support Love in Christ, John & Pauline