I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.                                                      Psalm 121:1-2
I was reading this beautiful Psalm and it made me think as we step into 2021, “let us be found in our work, assured that the blessings promised in this Psalm are ours”. We thank God for his continued faithfulness throughout 2020 and trust in him for all that He has planned for us this New Year. It’s always good to get news from Tanzania and we praise the Lord for the fantastic job that Margaret and the team are doing in our absence. There have been some challenges, one of them being no electricity for 4 days over Christmas. The power cut was a result of very heavy rains and thunderstorms. We praise the Lord that this has been sorted, as we depend on this so much for getting water from our borehole, communications and the laundry facilities, that all require electricity. Margaret sent through the children’s school reports from last year. It is very encouraging to see the progress that they have all made during this time. All have been moved up a class and are looking forward to getting back to school on the 11th of January, the commencement of the new school year. At this time it is very busy for Margaret and Agnes as they are sorting out the school fees for the children’s education, uniforms and school materials etc. Usually, we would be able help Margaret to do this through Internet banking. However, as the Internet was offline at the children’s home, we were unable to print out the necessary documentation to prove the payments have been made. Margaret has had to do all this manually which is quite a task, as each child has to have their own payment and receipt, one for school fees, one for uniform and one for textbooks etc. At the time of writing there is still so much uncertainty going on in our world and it’s very hard to make any plans, but we praise the Lord that our help comes from Him, as we’ve been reading in our Psalm. We are unsure what’s going to happen around the 19th when we are due to fly back out to Tanzania. Please pray. New legislation from the airlines for flying is that we are acquired to have a PCR test along with a fit to fly certificate, in the 72hour window before flying. This has been a bit of a challenge finding a place that will do this actual task. The picture below shows some of the children in the Nativity play that Margaret organised at the annual Christmas dinner.
Please accept our sincere thanks for your support to us personally, and continued love for the Lord’s work in Tanzania. Wishing you a blessed New Year. Love in Christ, John & Pauline