Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty. Psalms 104:1 These days are filled very much with uncertainty in our world and it can be very depressing listening to the continual news on the Coronavirus (Covid 19). We must keep our focus on the one who is in control of every situation. Psalm 104:1-9 calls on us to bless and praise the Lord who is great and it is clearly shown here in these verses, His eternal power in the things which he has made. It’s hard to believe we have been back in N. Ireland for over a month now. Our flights went very well and all connections were on time.  We even got 3 seats each that we could stretch out on and have a sleep during the nine-hour leg of the journey. Our first two weeks went rather slowly being confined to our house and yard. I suppose the most difficult experience has been not being able to give our families and friends hugs, after not seeing them for 18 months. It feels like we are contaminated with some type of dreaded disease, although we understand they are also protecting us. The cold weather has also taken a bit of getting used to, as Tabora temperatures were rising into the low 30degs when we left. Praise the Lord for the deputation meetings that we have been invited to do. We have already been to a few. Please pray that we will stay safe as we travel to and from the meetings. Please pray for more openings to share about the work and that the Lord will use all the meetings for His glory and honour. Pray that there will be much blessing and encouragement. Continue to pray for Margaret and the team at Kazima as they attend to every daily task. Pray for the staff that they will be in unison and work well together. Pray for the children, for their health, education and safety.
It’s been a real blessing to be able to communicate via WhatsApp and even get to speak with and see the children. Pray that the line of commucation will remain open and that it will be easy to contact us if they need help or advice. Pray for the Sunday afternoon services at the Children’s Home and Pastor Jerry Wyatt as he looks after this part of the ministry in our absence. Thanking you for your continued prayers and support for the ongoing work in Tanzania. Love in Christ , John & Pauline