I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high. Psalm 7:17
We are on our way to NI. At the time of writing we are waiting for our connecting flight in Dar es Salaam. By the time you get this we will have arrived DV in Northern Ireland and will be self-isolating. We have had an extremely busy month organising and putting things in place to help Margreth (AKA Margaret) in her roll during our absence.
Broken Pipe
There were strange things happening with the pump in the borehole as it wasn’t pumping properly. So, we decided to lift the pump to check it out. It was difficult to lift, almost as if it was jammed. When we pulled out all of the one hundred meters of pipe, steel cable and electrical cable, we were horrified to find that the pipe had collapsed, which was obviously causing the problem. We also found another split in the pipe. We praise the Lord for helping to get this sorted before leaving.
We also managed to get a section of the fence, to the left-hand side of the entrance gate, finished at the farm.
Please meet Given and Amani, the latest arrivals at Kazima Children’s Home. Given arrived just over two weeks ago and came from another town about fifty miles away in the Tabora region. Her mother has severe mental issues and is unable to look after her properly. Amani (meaning peace) arrived yesterday just one day old. His mother of nineteen years old gave birth in the town clinic in Tabora and then abandoned him. The nurses suspect she gave them a false name when she was admitted. She cannot be found. Both cases are very sad. They are doing well and loved by their many new brothers and sisters. We appreciate your faithful prayers and support for the work in Tanzania. Love in Christ John & Pauline