I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:8 September, we are now into the ‘ber’ (burr) months and that is the way we will literally feel at the end of this month. Please pray for all that we need to organise and put in place to insure a smooth running of the Home in our absence, for over three months. We leave for furlough on the 29th of this month Lord willing. Pray for Margaret as she will have the overall responsibility in our absence. Pray also for Agnes as she continues her teaching duties, with the added responsibility of being our education coordinator during our furlough. It will be a particularly busy time in December as they will be getting the children ready for the new school year. Uniforms, shoes, text books, exercise books just to name a few. Please pray for our travel arrangements, that connecting flights will go smoothly. No doubt we will experience a big change in the way we travel because of Covid-19. At the time of writing this update it is now mandatory for us to quarantine for fourteen days. Also, from what we see and hear on the news life will be different to what we are used to. Please pray also for deputation meetings. We don’t know what way these will take place and may have to do virtual meetings using MS Teams etc. We need guidance and wisdom on this, above all that the name of our Lord will be glorified, that people will be encouraged and blessed as we share about the work here. We are constantly reminded that He is in control.
We have had a busy time fixing bicycles, fifteen in total. Mostly punctures but some needed a lot more work like full wheel rebuilds, welding, new tyres, spokes etc. The children just love riding them. Shabani was crying one day after we got them all fixed. I asked him what was the matter (he was standing at the bicycles). I couldn’t get an answer for the crying. It turned out he wanted the only other one that was being ridden at that time! When they return home from school it’s a race to get on the bikes! We were able to get some of the straining wires and chain link up at the Ndevelwa farm as part of the new fencing. We would like this finished before we leave for furlough but it’s going to be very difficult in finding time to fit everything in.
We were greatly encouraged with the children’s school reports, especially Shani who came top in her year with marks of 99.9%. Your continued prayers and support are greatly appreciated. Love in Christ, John & Pauline