My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. Psalms 5:3 We are well and truly into the dry season once again. The grass is scorched by the sun and bush fires have started. Temperatures in the evenings and early mornings have been cold at 12.7 Deg C. We have never felt it this cold before. Then as the sun rises temperatures rise up to 28deg. At this time of year the children tend to suffer from the common cold and last month they had their share of malaria. We praise the Lord for his healing hand and at the time of writing this update everyone is well.
July was a month with four birthday celebrations. Anna, the youngest in the Home, having her first birthday and Masanja our eldest having his twelfth birthday. As usual they were celebrated with cake and ice cream for everyone.
Our vegetable garden is coming on well, with spinach, okra, carrots, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. Our mango trees are in blossom, which is early this year. Our bananas are also doing well. Above are some ripe ones ready for eating. We have been busy out at the farm putting in posts for the new fence line along the roadside. Some parts are proving difficult as there is solid rock six inches below the surface. Another section is over a termite hill which is very hard and the holes will need to be dug by hand. We have just over seventy posts in and hope to be able to start pulling the fence wires next week.
Several weeks ago, it was announced that the church was going to hold a baptismal service and Masanja showed interest in getting baptised. The night before, Pauline asked Masanja if he was still going to get baptised and he said ‘yes’. Pauline then asked him where? He said “tomorrow at church”! She told him that he needed to speak with Pastor Jerry, which he did that night. On Sunday 2nd Masanja obeyed the Lord and went through the waters of baptism along with five others. Masanja was saved around five years ago. Continue to pray for these little ones and some not so ‘little’ any more, that they too will accept the Lord as their saviour. Your Prayers and support are appreciated as the work continues here in Tanzania. Love in Christ, John & Pauline