The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7 This edition of our Prayer update was to be written from Northern Ireland. We were due to leave Tanzania on the 23rd of June for approximately one month, for the wedding of our daughter Sharon. This all had to be postponed until January 2021. We were thankful for a full refund on the air tickets that we had purchased.  Please pray as we make plans now for a furlough which will also coincide with Sharon’s wedding, DV. We have flights booked leaving Tanzania on the 29th September, returning on the 19th of January 2021. This will be the longest time that we have been away from the work here at Kazima. It’s not too soon to commence praying for Margaret and all of the responsibilities that she will have in our absence. Margaret asked us if any volunteers were coming to help during our absence. Maybe this is something you could do?
At the beginning of June, we were able to harvest 3 of the bee hives and were thrilled to get over four litres of honey. We might have been a little early so we plan to harvest the remaining two hives in the coming days. Below we have Hamisi enjoying a fresh honey sandwich.
We had two special treat days, one for the older boys (8) and one for the older girls (7). We took them for a meal, which comprised of chicken and chips and a fizzy drink. In the picture below we have Sami and Anna patiently waiting for their food to come.
On our way home one of the boys said “Babu what about ice cream” as we drove past the ice cream shop. They are not so slow! We had a great time with them and they all seemed to enjoy the treat. School recommenced on the 29th June. Please pray as the children all settle back into the routine of school once again, after three months of being at home. It has been a real blessing to have our teacher (Agnes) at this time.
We had an unannounced visit from the social welfare and health authorities early one morning for an inspection. This was also a great opportunity to voice again some of our concerns. One of the men had been here before on previous occasions. For the others it was their first time. They congratulated us on how excellent the Children’s Home was kept. They were very impressed and said that it was the best kept home in all of the Tabora region. A true testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of our God. Our prayer is that Kazima Children’s Home will continue to be a testimony and as we continue to do our best to love and nurture these little ones in the Lord, that we will see the children put their trust in the Saviour. Thank you for being part of this work by your prayers and support. Love in Christ, John & Pauline