As we listen to the news it can be very disturbing and one feels helpless in such a time of crisis in the world. We stand assured that the word of our God shall stand forever and He is the one that is in control. Here in Tanzania life is much like normal, Praise The Lord, except that all schools have been closed and all shops, offices, and public places have hand washing facilities before entering. We here at Kazima are keeping everything as normal as possible for the children, but in the background, we have made some preparations to ensure that the children and staff remain safe and well cared for.  Much is uncertain, we may have to take further action at some stage, but what is certain is that our children will continue to need our love and protection and that is what we will continue to give them. Keep praying for our safety. We have been teaching the children new choruses which they love. It’s not long until we hear them singing these throughout the course of the day. One that they have learned recently is ‘Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same, all may change, but Jesus never glory to his name, glory to his name, glory to his name’. How fitting in these changing days. On Sunday afternoons at 4pm we continue to have a little service here in the new building, in a mixture of English and Swahili. We sing hymns, choruses, pray, read from God’s word, learn a verse and have a lesson from the bible. On Sunday past at about 3:50pm I heard them starting to sing. When I got up there they were all sitting very well and Masanja was at the front leading them. When he saw me, he went all shy so I sat at the back and let him continue. What a privilege we have to care for and nurture these little ones. Pray that they will all put their trust in the Lord. We have had some changes here with the staff. Mzee Antoni (the old man who lived on site) took retirement. His health was deteriorating and he was becoming a burden for us here. He is 84 years old and has been a great help in the work here as he had plenty of strength up to recent days. Also Morris one of our ground’s men left to go into the village government and Mzee Haji, at the Farm, also retired. He was a night watchman there.
We celebrated Mussa’s 6th birthday during the month. Mussa was the first child to come into the home at three weeks old, after being found abandoned. Pray for the extra work with the children at this time while the schools are closed. Thank you for all of your faithful prayers and support in these uncertain days. Love in Christ  John & Pauline