And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Matthew 28:18 Power: Physical strength and force exerted by something or someone, the strength of nature, rain, lighting, electrical energy supplied to an area.
This past month we have experienced all of these. We remember that our God is in control. This wet season has been extremely wet with lighting strikes and thunder storms. We still have possibly 2 more months before the end of the season. It has made getting in and out of the Children’s Home very difficult. We have spent days gathering rocks and placing them on the track into the Home where the water has been continually flowing. This has helped and keeps the track much drier now. Parts of the ground are sodden so much that one can’t walk on it. Some of our maize that we planted won’t make it, but the sunflowers are doing well and have been providing food for our bees. Later they will provide the Home with some cooking oil.
Our electric supply at the Home had been a big issue. The first episode without electricity lasted sixty hours and the second was forty-eight hours. The problem seemed to be with the transformer which eventually blew up. Once again we had no electricity – this time it was for five days. The power company couldn’t get to the transformer so they installed a completely new line and repositioned the new transformer. As the ground was very wet, John helped pull the new poles onto site with our good old faithful Massy Ferguson 165. When the new lines were ready, the new transformer arrived on a small lorry with a jib which also got stuck.  John pulled it out with the Land Rover. They then managed to get the lorry close enough to be able to set the new transformer on the poles and got stuck again. At 7.45pm the electric was once again switched on. Praise the Lord.
Please pray for the children as many of them have malaria at this time. Yesterday we had eight all diagnosed with Malaria. It was all eyes when we arrived at the Lab and eight children got out of the car. Pray that they will recover quickly. Pray for the church at Ndevelwa that the Christian’s will have a real desire to meet together on a Sunday. Pray for those who are faithful in attendance. Pray that they might grow in Christ. Pray also for the children in the Sunday school and for Jerry and Rachel as they serve there. It’s not too early to pray for the teams planned for later in the year as they book flights etc. The first team is fully booked. There are still some places available on the second team planned for September. Maybe you would like to come and see the work first hand, and serve in some way. Thank you for investing the Lord’s work here by your prayers and financial support. Love in Christ John & Pauline